NZ Tallow Skincare | Free shipping on orders over $100 in NZ | Ngā mihi aroha

Tallow Loves Skin renders organic grass-fed beef tallow into balm and soap in the Waikato. Our certified organic beef tallow is infused with rongoa Maori and botanicals grown on the farm.

Ko Shelley Moana taku ingoa
Ko Ngati Porou te iwi
Ko Waiapu te awa
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Horouta te waka
Ko Rakaihoea te hapu
Ko Kiekie te marae

Why Tallow?

It might seem strange to slather yourself in beef fat, but I did that - and what a game-changer! My skin drank it up and went from dry, crusty & scaly to smooth, plump & youthful after the first use - an instant glow-up! It was such a relief to find something my skin loved - I did not care that I smelled like a beef burger, LOL! 

After slapping straight dripping on my face, I began making tallow whips, balms, and soap and sharing them with friends and whanau. Tallow Loves Skin skincare products have been tested on all my whānau - all skin types & ages.  

Indigenous people have prized animal fats for longevity and well-being for centuries. Traditionally in Te Āo Māori, the hinu (fat) of whales and sharks were highly prized for their life-giving benefits. Our tupuna recognized that these fats provided a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, which prolonged vitality into old age, easy fertility, and healthy children. [Source]

My koro (grandfather) made dripping, candles, and soap from lard (pig fat) and tallow (beef fat). This ancient nose-to-tail living meant our tupuna consumed these valuable nutrients; they knew what they were eating, where it came from, and nothing was wasted. 

The vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids contained in tallow, have a host of benefits for our skin.  Tallow is similar to sebum, the oil our bodies naturally produce to nourish and protect our skin and hair. Organic skin deep beauty. It is a powerhouse of restorative properties that seem uniquely designed to feed thirsty, itchy, dry, scaly, aged, sensitive, and troubled skin.  

In keeping with tradition, we honour the whole animal by using the parts the farmer may not be able to sell to create healing skincare & soap products. 

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