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Magnesium Spray

$8 $8

SKU: RD022

Cheapest shipping from: $12.30
Stock Status: 14 pcs
Delivery Status: 1-3 days

Magnesium is an important nutrient that the body does not produce itself. It is a vital component in multiple body functions. It supports healthy pregnancy and lactation and is also great for sore and tired muscles, cramps, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Spray on the bottom of your feet before bed for a restful night. 

Magnesium promotes health and well-being by:

- regulating nerve and muscle function

- supporting healthy pregnancy and lactation

- maintaining healthy blood sugar levels

- maintaining optimum blood pressure levels

- manufacturing and supporting protein, bone, and DNA health

Do not use it on broken skin.  

Magnesium Chloride Flakes
Filtered Rainwater
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